Tuesday 20 March 2012


Perhaps it is just semantics but maybe I don't do upgrades and a better description would be fettling. 

The last two evenings I have been able to tweek the front derailleur on my Basso to eliminate chain rub on the big ring and I fitted a new chain and 12 tooth sprocket to the Brompton (which should always be done together).

Both the Basso and Brompton were running Wipperman chains in an experiment to see if they are longer lasting than SRAM or KMC.  The Brompton fitted chain has been a disappointment and despite regular cleaning and lubricating it has lasted for less than the 2,000 miles I had hoped for.  I've reverted to a cheap SRAM replacement.

The Basso inherited a Wipperman Connex chain I originally fitted to the Van Nicholas ahead of last year's Time-Megeve Mont Blanc sportive. It is approaching the 75% wear mark so will require replacing shortly.  Again, I expected more life for the money so I will probably replace it (after Lent) with a trusted KMC X10-L or the lighter SL if I find one advertised at a good price.

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